This is the film soundtrack composed and performed by Geoff Smith on multiple hammered dulcimers & vocal.The soundtrack comprises 7 chapters (Duration: 1 hour 22 minutes, equivalent to a quadruple vinyl box set). The album will be available for download from Bandcamp, itunes, Apple Music, Amazon etc. If downloaded from Bandcamp the album will come with numerous exclusive free bonus items including an additional audio track, new artwork designed by Geoff Smith as well as previous tour posters and promotional material.
The complete album preview is now available for a limited time only: just follow this link to 'Hearnow':
Häxan - Witchcraft through the ages is a truly legendary and infamous film (Sweden 1922, Dir: Benjamin Chistensen). Häxan was one of the first drama-documentaries, integrating fact, fiction, objective reality, dark humour, investigation, delusion and hallucination. When first released Häxan was banned in the USA and was heavily censored in other countries. Häxan was, and still is, a pioneering film. The way in Häxan investigates superstition, mysticism, paranoia, conspiracy theories, misogyny, prejudice, manipulation and exploitation eerily captures and exposes what in essence is the same poison that has been re-released, transposed and commoditized by ‘social media’ in the mass psychology of the hear and now in the 21st century.